The Barlinek Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of layered wood floors, with production capacity of over 150 million ft² per year..

As well as the Barlinek engineered wood flooring, the group also produces certified flooring for sporting facilities, skirting boards and wood biofuels known for their high quality —wood pellet and fireplace briquette.

Barlinek attaches great importance to the technology applied and the company’s finished products being ecological and environmentally neutral.

Constant modernisation of the plant and investments in modern technology have made this one of the cleanest company’s in this industry in Poland. Barlinek activities show that for companies environmental protection can be more than just a legal requirement in certain countries – it can be a major element in a long-term development strategy.

18 Million

Barlinek has also initiated many programmes concerning environmental protection and ecological education.

For many years now the company has been conducting its 1 for 1 programme, whereby the planting of one tree is co-financed for each purchased pack of Barlinek floorboards marked with a logo of this pro-ecological initiative. Barlinek’s Customers Forest now numbers over 18 Million trees!